

Act swine flu tally hits 17k, at record pace (AFP)

Act swine flu tally hits 17k, at record pace (AFP)

A US flu recorded a 17k new case count on Monday, with the last reported case 바카라사이트in October being detected in Texas.

The US Health and Human Services said that for October, about 1.2 million Americans had caught the highly contagious viral infection and the overall total number of cases exceeded 17,000.

That is about 2.5 times higher than the number reported last year and more than triple the 2015 total of more than 6,000.

In total, 3.5 million Americans – the majority of them residents – were infected with the disease in 2016, the majority of which were children, the latest figures show.

The flu has been making a massive comeback in recent years after a milder strain of flu came to the region in 2007, forcigospelhitzng doctors into sudden shortages at hospitals and the closing of clinics to try to keep their workers home.

In September, the number of Americans who had symptoms of the flu was reported to be higher than in all the previous years, with 17카지노 사이트.6% reporting flu on Tuesday compared to just 14.9% in 2012.