

Robert bertie kidd fights plan to deport him to the uk

Robert bertie kidd fights plan to deport him to the uk

john bertie kidd: stop ppl doing this

bertie kidd: i just want 1 million euros

john bertie kidd: no more of your racist bullshit

john bertie kidd: that’s all

bertie kidd: i never said 2 million

john bertie kidd: all i did was say 1

john bertie kidd: thats it

bertie kidd: ok

bertie kidd: i have nothing else to say

john bertie kidd: and it’s not because i’m not racist but because 바카라i am tired of the racial nonsense

bertie kidd: that can be put in the trash can of history

bertie kidd: it was literally a part of it

bertie kidd: I just dont want to do that to anyone in the future

bertie kidd: i mean people of color

bertie kidd: maybe it makes sense that i said that in a few places

bertie kidd: but if you know what I mean

bertie kidd: you can read that and all of it in just a minute

john bertie kidd: ok

bertie kidd: i just want 100,000 euro to help in another country

john bertie kidd: where that little girl lives now

bertie kidd: no one has money to help with the refugee바카라사이트 crisis

bertie kidd: it’s a shame

bertie kidd:바카라 but not for me

bertie kidd: i could maybe live in the uk for a while then move back to my own country

john bertie kidd: bertie

john bertie kidd: its just like you didn’t even get a say in this

bertie kidd: you just didn’t get a voice

bertie kidd: you just didn’t get a choice

john bertie kidd: like i said

bertie kidd: i am not racist

bertie kidd: i just don’t want the whole world to see me like that

bertie kidd: i just want to be able to be who i am

bertie kid